Updated Product Page – Height Restrictor

For the eagle-eyed website visitors, you may have noticed our new look Automatic Sliding Height Restrictor page

Automatic Sliding Height Restrictor

With sites becoming increasingly concerned about the frequency of larger vehicles paying unauthorised visits to their premises, the AMS Automatic Sliding Height Restrictor puts a definite stop to the chances of this occurring

Whilst still allowing vehicles of under 2.4 metres to travel through freely (although there are heights of up to 3.5 metres available), it will prevent or at least visually deter larger vehicles from attempting to enter site

For any further information, or, a quote on our Automatic Sliding Height Restrictors, please do not hesitate to get in touch via telephone, email or through our social media channels;

Telephone: 01254 234248


Twitter: @automatesystems

Instagram: automatesystems
